Saturday, 27 June 2015

Week 40: Creative Reflection

Key Term: Creative Reflection & Group Working

This week allowed the class to reflect on one of this terms modules 'Applied OT', in a creative way. It also gave us a chance to reflect in groups as we created our canal metaphor of our journey. I was surprised by how positive an experience this was - being able to bounce ideas and thoughts of other certainly helped my look at my journey this term.

Not sure if you can tell by the picture but it's a canal that we are metaphorically travelling down... It starts with us at the start of the module in February with the knowledge we had from out first placement and two modules from last term... the bridge represents linking theory to practice in the first part of the module and sometimes the difficulty we had in doing so, the tunnel represents being out on placement and almost in a darker place as we are on our own without our classmates but there is also a light guiding us through and that is the skills we have learnt in the classroom and from each other. there canal after that point repressed that the sun is starting to shine and we are starting to feel like it makes sense... Just the presentation to get through before going under the rainbow at the end of the module.

I'm at a point now where I know I have a massive hurdle to overcome before the end of term i.e. the dreaded 30 minute individual assessed presentation. I have actually been worrying about this since starting the course in September as I've always (since as far back as I can remember) had a fear of public speaking! But I know i do need to do this! I am purposely writing this in my blog post because if I don't I feel I'm just going to be in complete denial about having to do it! I can do this!!!

I have also found this week exhausting, and I'm thankful for a week away from uni this coming week.. there is still so much work to do on my presentation, not to mention my research proposal before meeting my supervisor on 7th July! But its a week without commuting which I'm so happy about!

I'm reminded this week of how thankful I am to have chosen a university that has such supportive staff and that try to encourage us as much as they can! Always a plus when a tutor brings chocolate and crafts to a reflective session! Made worrying about the presentation a little less awful!

Until next time!
I hope you all have a good week!

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