Key Term: Research & Evidence Based Practice
[PP2 Week 3]
It's been an exciting week at placement for me as it has allowed me to start taking more responsibility for parts of the OT process and also learn some more about different moving and handling equipment such as 4 way glide sheets which can aid with moving and handling for carers.
My study day on Tuesday was spent at the 2nd year MSc OT dissertation conference (#uocOT) which I really benefited from - I'm planning to blog on this separately so look out for that. An extra highlight of the day was getting to meet 2 Twitter contacts in person, one of which was just a chance meeting and reminds me how small the OT world can be and the benefits social media can play in connecting us all together.
[Peer Support when on Placement]
One of the things Ive been reflecting in this week is support networks when on placement. Last placement I was lucky to be staying in the same accommodation as a friend from uni and also had the chance to meet up regularly with another few people from immediate social group at uni. Whereas this placement we are so far apart its not really possible. I don't think I realised how positive having them there to bounce ideas off was, until I don't have it, this would a line with Daniels (2010) research into peer interaction whilst on placement. However her research looked at the benefits of online discussion to enable this, I feel from my experience that I'm missing the face to face support you get to enable that interaction and discussion - sometimes texting/messaging just doesn't cut it when your trying to explain your experiences. I was thankful to be able to see Vicky and Janet on Tuesday at the conference to share how we are getting on and share advice with each other.
Now to start week 4 - I can't believe how fast this placement is going...
Daniels N (2010) Peer interactions and their benefits during occupational therapy practice placement education. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73(1), 21-28.
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