Friday, 17 April 2015

Week 30: PP2.2

Week 30: PP2.2

Key Term:  Lots to do... 

[PP2 Week 2]

Week 2 on placement always feels more controllable in the respect that you start to work out how the setting you are in works and thankfully start to remember who people are, which is a bonus as I'm rubbish at remembering names.

Starting to get to grips with the assessment and services and equipment the department provide... it felt like a really quick week in the end.


I'm starting to try and refine my idea for my research and scholarships module proposal that is due in August... Thankful for support of a supervisor at uni (Such a good move from UoC to allocate the dissertation supervisor earlier to be with you through the whole process, instead of just after you have submitted your proposal.), too many ideas but have managed to scrap a few ideas that although interested me, didn't really add anything to research base.

[#OTalk - Welcome Kelly OTea Party]

This Tuesday was also my first #OTalk in the position of "Student Digital Leader Intern', which was a good experience, I really am looking forward to the opportunities that it will bring.

It's a short update this week as I'm fighting off a headache, so limiting my screen time!

For more insight into my journey to become an occupational therapist; follow me on twitter: @OTontheTracks

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