Friday, 5 December 2014

Week 11: Let's get Creative!

Key Term: Creative Interventions

A very quick post this week as I have far too much work to get done.

Very enjoyable sessions at uni this week... We had the pleasure of taking part in Creative Interventions led by the tutors; which I think was a great relief to the whole group after the last few weeks that have been really theory focused, as well as stressful due to looming deadlines... Thursday gave us time to focus on creative (art, drama abnd creative writing) approaches we could use as an OT. Lots of familiar ice breakers from youth group so I felt quite positive   about the majority of the sessions - although i still really dislike the 'I went to market and bought' game. 

These sessions have brought up a few personal questions/queries about whether you can use ideas with your clients that you may not be comfortable doing yourself. Its similar to the idea at youth group, where i questioned was it ok to have messy games when as the youth leader, I myself didnt want to get messy?!?! One for me to reflect on I think...

Friday was back to THEORY and ASSIGNMENTS!!! A fun filled weekend of referencing  and redrafting on the cards...

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