Thursday, 7 June 2018

#RCOT2018 - Get Involved

#RCOT2018 - The Royal College of Occupational Therapist Annual Conference 2018

Get Involved

#OTalkonTour @ #RCOT2018

Similarly to last year, a few of the #OTalk crew - Myself (@OTontheTracks), Rachel (), Kirstie (@Kirstie_OT) and Helen (@Helen_OTUKwill be around at conference. Come say hello and chat with us, we'd love to speak to you and get to know you. 

Feel free to ask us about the use of social media and we will try and help get you up to speed. 

If you are arriving in Belfast over the weekend prior to conference, why not come meet up with the #OTalk team and community for some dinner and chat on the Sunday evening.

The plan is meet up at Zizzi for 5pm on the Sunday evening, which is in the Victoria Square Shopping Centre

Come along and join us for chat, food and some company. 

We will also have our Selfie board with us at various points during conference so why not have some fun and grab it and have your picture taken. 


We'll be tweeting them from the @OTalk_ account throughout conference. Remember to use the hashtag #OTalkonTour and tag us in your tweets.

The #OTalk team are also hosting an occupation station this year:

Session 21: 21st Century meaningful activity: Using social media as a way to engage.

When: Tuesday morning 10:00-10:45 in Hall 1,  Exhibition Theatre 1. 

Hopefully we will see you there. 

If you aren't at conference or if you are new to social media, there will be an #OTalk on the Tuesday evening hosted by Gill (@GillyGorry) from the #OTalk team. 

It will be a relaxed chat and worth checking out as a way to get the hang of the Tweet chats or just to catch up with whats' been happening at conference. 

When: Tuesday @ 8pm on Twitter using the hashtag #OTalk


#RCOT2018 Blog Squad

There is a team of conference attendees blogging their way through conference again as a way to share the conference experience with a wider scope of occupation therapists. 

All the posts will be placed on the #OTalk Blog, during the conference so it's worth checking it out if you can't attend or even if you are there.


RCOT Scottish Eastern Region

There are a handful of the RCOT Scottish Eastern Committee at conference this year. Look out for myself (@OTontheTracks), Hannah  (@hannahcairns7), Charlie (@chungsongyau) and Heather who will be around and most likely on the RCOT stand at various points throughout. 

If you are based in the region and are tweeting/presenting/displaying a poster, please tag us in your tweets/photos as we would love to share any relevant news/information with others from the region. 

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