Sunday 3 September 2017

Celebrating 80 Years of Occupational Therapy Education in Scotland #80yrsOTEd

Celebrating 80 Years of Occupational Therapy Education in Scotland

Introductions to the Celebrating 80 years of Occupational Therapy Education is Scotland Event

Some of the introductions were streamed live on FB, the video can be accessed here.

- Welcome to the Astley Ainslie Hospital: Janine Hackett (Head Occupational Therapist, Astley Ainslie Hospital)

Janine Hackett has worked really hard in partnership the Scottish Eastern Committee to make the #80yrsOTEd event come together and her team of stewards on the day were vital to make the day run smoothly, so it felt right that she opened the days proceedings.

Janine took the time to highlight the schedule for the day and also highlight the various exhibits that were open to the delegates to look around after the picnic lunch including the OT department and also the 'huts' which were used as teaching bases for students before education was moved over to Queen Margaret university.

- Welcome from the Scottish Eastern Regional Group: Hannah Cairns (Chair, RCOT Scottish Eastern Regional Committee)

Hannah Cairns from the regional committee gave a brief introduction to the regional group and event.

80 Years of Occupational Therapy Education - Ian McMillan (Head of Division Occupational Therapy & Art Therapies, Queen Margaret University)

Ian McMillan's presentation was live streamed on Facebook and can be accessed here.

Ian shared the interesting history of the 80 years of Occupational Therapy eduction in Scotland and it was great to hear how far the education of new practitioners has come in the last 80 years from practical roots to a focus on research. 

The evolution of occupation-based interventions in mental health occupational therapy - Dr Jennifer Creek

Jennifer Creek's presentation was live-streamed on Facebook and can be accessed in two parts, here 

As always Jennifer Creeks message was a fascinating and thought provoking one. I particularly enjoyed listening to Jennifer presentation as I'm currently based in a mental health setting.

Occupational Therapy education Scotland; Past celebrations; Future Direction - Ian McMillan on behalf of Linda Renton

Unfortunately Linda Renton was ill on the day and was unable to attend , but thankfully her college Ian McMillan was able to present her presentation, which was live-streamed on Facebook and can be accessed in two parts, here 

Royal College of Occupational Therapists Scottish Eastern Region Annual Review Meeting

Our first Annual Review meeting as the RCOT Scottish Eastern Committee, which was expertly delivered by Hannah our committee chair. If you haven't been involved in a regional group before, you are welcome at our annual review meeting these are open to all RCOT registered Occupational Therapist in the region.

Picnic and Cake Cutting

Cake is always a winner isn't it, but it wouldn't have been a celebration without a cake or 3! It was a pleasure to be part of hosting the 80 Years of OT education in Scotland event which celebrated it's roots in the Astley Ainsley hospital and then at Queen Margaret University but as Ian mentioned in his presentation 2017 also celebrated 40 years of OT education at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen and 55 years of OT education at Glasgow Caledonian University in Glasgow.  

Exploring the history of Occupational Therapy within Astley Ainsley Hospital...

This was one of my favourite parts of the day, because i'm an explorer, and I love history, I also love education and unsurprisingly love occupational therapy... so combining all these aspects was bound to be fun for me. I loved hearing the stories and memories of the occupational therapists that trained in AAH and also that worked there! 

This event also reminded me how small the world of occupational therapy is and how often our paths meet. It was great to network not only with past colleagues, but with students from my university and with occupational therapists who I have learnt from and been inspired by.


For most of the event you will have found me attached to my mobile, either live streaming the presentation, taking photos or posting memories from the delegates on the RCOT Scottish Eastern twitter or Facebook page.

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