Saturday, 27 August 2016

Year 2: Week 49 - The week I finished university...

The week of VIVA and last lecture...

Now the tutors said right as the beginning of the course that it would fly by, and I'm not sure any of us believed them, and at points, it felt like id never get there but I did! and on reflection it did fly by!

This week included the last placement evaluation lecture and the VIVA for Developing OT practice, Thankfully the placement evaluation lecture focused on the information we may find helpful for the third section of our viva which focused on the transition from student to newly qualified OTs, which if I'm honest i was still struggling to get my head around a day before the viva so Im glad of the discussion in the class.

The viva felt as traumatic as always, I don't know if i'll ever learn to believe in myself because it was fine, and although I know it wasn't my best in the moment of the viva it was the best I could do through the nerves and with a mind blank.

For anyone else about to do a viva... less is more on the prompt sheet. A skill I didn't master during the course but in turn meant I probably didn't flow as well as I would have liked when talking abut my service.

The viva was also not in anyway as traumatic as the one I did last time so thats progress which I don't want to forget about.

'So wake me up when it's all over, When I'm wiser and I'm older, All this time I was finding myself, And I didn't know I was lost'

We thankfully didn't have too wait to long on the results and everyone in the class actually passed the viva which is amazing! Still a while to wait on the feedback but it's a pass! and that means one thing:

 I've passed my masters!!! 

For more insight into my journey to become an occupational therapist; follow me on twitter: @OTontheTracks

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