Sunday, 9 August 2015

Week 45 & 46: Research, Research, Research everywhere!

Key Term: One more week of 1st year... One more week until research proposal is due...

This last fortnight has been a mix of research and some OTA shifts at work.

Week 45: In the mix of assignment stress, I remember why I want to be an OT

I'm thankful for the chance to do some shifts at work because even when everything feels so stressful with uni work I am reminded why I want to be an OT. I love to spend time with people and help them be as independent as they can when it comes to the things they want and need to do.

This week also involved me continuing to tackle my lit review as part of my proposal, I feel I'm still covering literature broadly instead of having depth, so it's a learning curve to try and do my best.

Week 46: Research and #OTalk support. 

And another week of research proposal, and OTA shifts... It must nearly be time for summer holidays surely...

On the plus side I have remembered to reference as I go with this assignment... this helps ALOT!

This week also see my support my first #OTalk as part of the #OTalk team, which was a great chance to get involved and help someone lead a chat. I'm going to blog separately about this experience after I have submitted my assignment, so keep your eyes peeled for that post.

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