Sunday, 24 April 2016

Year 2: Weeks 29-31

Quick 3 Week Catch Up
It's been a busy 3 weeks!

You think with less face to face class time, I would have more time to blog. But sadly this is not the case with lots of deadlines looming it's been more of a 'head in the books' time than anything else. 

In the last 3 weeks, I have gone for a pre-placement visit, presented my dissertation findings at our MSc Research conference, submitted a piece of coursework for our Occupational Design module, organised my CPD folder and kept plodding on with my dissertation write up. I've also been busy with #OTalk related things, which I will fill you in more on below. 

This year is really flying in and we are reaching the point where we all start looking for jobs, which still feels rather intimidating with a full placement still to go. 


In #OTalk news, I have joined the team permanently and we are on the look out for a new student intern which is exciting. If you are a pre-reg student and are interested, do have a look over on the blog for details, the link is above. 

We also had our editorial published in the British Journal of Occupational Therapy, which was rather cool, especially as a student getting to input into the article. You can find it here, if you are interested in reading it. 

Lastly on the #OTalk front...  #OTalkonTour If you are at the COT conference this year, we are having a social media meet-up on the Tuesday night which will be a great chance to meet some of the #OTalk community in person so, if you are around do come along (and remember to sign up for the session). More information can be found here.

P.s. If you are at conference, do drop by and see my poster in the poster hall. 

Think that's all i have time for at the moment, as I'm busy working on my poster this weekend. 

For more insight into my journey to become an occupational therapist; follow me on twitter: @OTontheTracks

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