Thursday, 10 March 2016

Year 2: Week 21-25

Busy Busy Busy

So it's been over a month since my last update blog. I think this creates a realistic picture of the intensity of an accelerated masters in OT. 

It's been a really busy month in my little educational bubble with focus being split between my dissertation, occupational design and developing OT practice modules with little time for down time as deadlines are getting ever closer.

So where am I at with everything? 

Dissertation: I've been on a roller coaster with my data analysis over the last month... At one point even doubting I had chosen the right data analysis method... Its a world wind of emotions especially since I'm so passionate about my topic area. It can feel like a battle between choosing the right method of analysis or the easier option and as a novice researcher guidance is often needed. 

We also had our research portfolio review last week (which we are still waiting on feedback from), which added a little more stress to the mix of getting it done on time since the date was brought forward by 2 weeks. A good chance to show flexibility, but a little stressful if you are a forward planner like me. Thankfully I had enough on it at the deadline to get some constructive feedback (hopefully).

I've started the write up of the research article as well now, with my lit review almost complete and my findings data sitting ready to start. I'm hoping to get a little further with this in next few weeks but currently on hold whist I prepare for a group presentation next week for the Occupational Design module.

Occupational Design: As I've discussed before on here, as part of this module we work in groups to design and implement  an intervention with a particular client group. Our group chose to develop a group session for students and staff at one university that had been impacted by recent flooding. Its given us a chance to consider the evidence base for OTs working in communities post disaster which has been really interesting as it is still an emerging role particularly in the UK. 

Our intervention was on Thursday last week and it went really well, the participants were engaged and seem to have benefited from the session.  

We have an assessed presentation next week so have spent the last couple of weeks pulling the evidence together into a usable presentable form and have been using skype meetings to enable the group to meet regularly to make progress which has been really helpful as all group members  are commuters. 

#OTalk: I've managed to fit in a number of support chats over the last couple of months which is also keeping me busy. I am still finding #OTalk a great asset in increasing my knowledge and understanding of theory into practice. As well as helping my understanding of the bigger picture of OT within the UK and beyond.

More CPD: I also attended a BAOT regional CPD event a few weeks ago and you can see the blog about it here. Lots of opportunities to network and develop.  

For more insight into my journey to become an occupational therapist; follow me on twitter: @OTontheTracks

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