Sunday, 31 August 2014

Working whilst Studying...

At our orientation day someone asked about how many hours we should expect to be putting into studying the MSc OT (pre-reg). I had always thought that I would be treating it as a full time job which is what the tutor confirmed.

My thoughts then turned to weighing up whether i can manage a part time job whilst studying. Financially i need to work but not necessarily a lot of hours but at least a few hours a week to make up for the minimal bursary that we are given. I'm grateful to have a husband who can support me and pay the bills etc but then that leaves us with little budget for living. 

I did plan to blog about hunting for a job; but thankful i have managed to find a relief support worker job pretty quickly and after my first interview. I have chosen to work in a relief position as this allows me the flexibility whilst studying so i can indeed put my studies first.

I know the next two years are going to feel manic but the end goal is truly worth it. 

Id love to hear from current students on how they get the balance right...

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